If you're looking for a fun way to spend your weekends, and have decided to go camping, there are a couple of simple things you can do to prepare the car for the trip.
Air filter
Air filters are an essential part of a vehicle's engine. Without clean air filters, your car will not run properly and will cause damage to its inner components. Air filters prevent dirt and dust from entering the engine while providing a constant supply of fresh air.
Because it is so important for proper operation, it is important to check your car's air filter regularly for signs of wear or damage, especially before a big trip to high dust areas. If you see that there’s dirt caught in the filter or if you notice any tears in it, then it’s time to change out your old one for a new one!
Oil filter
The oil filter is arguably one of the most important parts of your car. It's responsible for cleaning and collecting debris from the engine oil before it gets pumped into your engine, keeping it operational at its best. When selecting an oil filter, you need to make sure you pick one that will do the job properly and protect your vehicle. Western Filters has a variety of options for every type of car imaginable—and many different brands under our belt too.
To find out which kind of filters we have available for your specific vehicle, simply type your plate number into our rego search and voila! Everything that fits your vehicle.
Cabin filters
Cabin filters should be changed every 12 to 18 months, depending on how much dust and debris is in the air. The best way to check if it needs changing is by looking at it. If you can see through it or notice that there are cracks, then that means it's time for a new one.
Like other parts of your car, cabin filters can get expensive quickly if you don't know what you're doing. However, they're often unnecessary—so make sure you know what size filter your vehicle is using before buying so that you don't waste any money on something that won't fit!
You can maintain your car so you're ready to go camping and have fun.
You can maintain your car so you're ready to go camping and have fun.
- ● Check the air filter: If you've been driving around town, your air filter could be more dirty than usual (and the same goes for your oil filter). Make sure that it's replaced with a new one before taking off on your road trip.
- ● Change the oil and the filter: This will help ensure that nothing gets stuck in there while you drive, causing damage and other problems later on down the road. It also keeps everything running smoothly and ensures that everything is well-maintained during long drives—which is important when going camping!
- ● Change the cabin filter: All those bugs flying around outside can get into any openings they find inside, including vents in cars. That means it's time to change out of pollen filters or anything else like this before hitting those back roads where no one else may be able to see them coming at all times either way (besides us). We recommend changing these every year since their effectiveness varies depending on usage patterns - but if anyone needs help figuring out when exactly this might need done again then just let us know!"
Have a wonderful time in the outdoors!